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Perils of the Bold

Dark Omen Dawning


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Dark Omen Dawning #10
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Comment on Episode #10.


Well, it took over 6 weeks to get this episode up. Mostly due to set fabrication for this large exterior street scene. The next couple episodes are set around this street, so expect new episodes more frequently. Then I have to construct a tavern for several episodes.

Panel #2 - It's about six feet from the foreground to those buildings in the background. The ground is styrofoam sprayed with textured paint. The detritus is just bits of moss from Michaels Craft Store. The building on the far right is a MegaBloks Daily Bugle building. Check out Webcomic Entertainment #40 behind the voting buttons for this tomorrow's episode of Perils of the Bold to see more behind the scenes stuff about this set.

Panel #3 - I use two pieces of styrofoam for the ground, and just butt them up together. However, this leaves an obvious line. I digitally cover it up so you can't see it. Here's the panel before post-production digitalization.

Panel #4 - These are four aliens. All are customized Stikfas action figures. I made the first three. The green one near the barrels was customized and donated by Jeanna at LNC Sales and Promotion. Thanks Jeanna!

The barrels are made of toy milk cartons as seen in Webcomic Entertainment #17.

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Stikfas action figures and the Stikfas logo are copyrights and trademarks of Stikfas Pte. Ltd.
Shockini action figures and the Shocker Toys logo are copyrights and trademarks of Shocker toys.
GI Joe action figures are copyrights and trademarks of Hasbro.
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Any similarity between characters on and real persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental.
The personalities, stories, fictional settings, text, and dialog in Perils of the Bold and Dark Omen Dawning are copyright © 2006 through eternity Erik Kjerland.