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Perils of the Bold

Dark Omen Dawning


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Perils of the Bold #8
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Panel #1 - Maldonado's backpack is from 1:18 scale Pvt. "Greasy Gun" Bayo action figure from the Ultimate Solider X-D Xtreme Detail line by 21st Century Toys.

A codpiece is a piece of medieval armor covering the groin.

Panel #3 - Dundorious' and Kamik's backpacks are from another army action figure line, a bit bigger than 1:18. I filled up the hollow backpacks with Sculpey and then painted them a bit. Problem is, the backpacks are so heavy that they often make the Stikfas fall over backward! I have to use Handi-Tak to stick the Stikfas to the floor.

Panel #7 - Bock is a type of German beer. So, yes, two beer jokes in a row! Beer is one of the oldest beverages man has produced, dating back to at least the 5th millennium BC and recorded in the written history of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

The tube is rolled out Handi-Tak.

Of course, Dundorious is paraphrasing the great quote: "Necessity is the mother of invention" which originally appeared in the dialogue Republic, by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who probably drank beer.

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Stikfas action figures and the Stikfas logo are copyrights and trademarks of Stikfas Pte. Ltd.
Shockini action figures and the Shocker Toys logo are copyrights and trademarks of Shocker toys.
GI Joe action figures are copyrights and trademarks of Hasbro.
Their use in webcomics is not intended to infringe on the intellectual property of any company.
Any similarity between characters on and real persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental.
The personalities, stories, fictional settings, text, and dialog in Perils of the Bold and Dark Omen Dawning are copyright © 2006 through eternity Erik Kjerland.