My real job is working in a large technical corporation that develops popular software programs, in addition to hardware and online services. Working inside such a vast corporate entity reveals many humorous policies and situations. I thought I'd start up another comic where I can use that humor. Nerdi-chlorians is the result.
As the opening crawl explains, Nerdi-chlorians is set in an ALTERNATE Star Wars universe. In this universe, characters from the movies (Imperial, Rebel, aliens, droids, etc.) all work together in the same computer technology corporation. Yeah, it sounds strange, but work with me. I'll be exploiting the personnas and behaviors of Star Wars characters by placing them into corporate situations. C3PO and R2-D2 as software testers, Wookiees as program managers, clone troopers running human resources, and so on.
Also, for the next year we will be in the process of remodeling our home, and we'll have to find an apartment or condo to live in for at least six months. It is unlikely that I will have enough room to film the larger sets required for Perils of the Bold or Dark Omen Dawning. Those two comics will likely be on hiatus for the time that we're exiled. I didn't want to go cold turkey on creating a comic, so I thought I'd come up with something that could use smaller, easier sets. The folks at World Works Games very kindly donated several PDFs for their scifi wargaming terrain. The WWG walls and floors and props work very well for Nerdi-chlorians, and are easy to store!
The word "Nerdi-chlorians" is the invention of a good friend of mine, Jon Tatman. He has graciously allowed me to use it as the title of this comic. He came up with the term after Star Wars: The Phantom Menace introduced midi-chlorians.
Midi-chlorians, as you are no doubt aware, are intelligent microscopic life forms that live symbiotically inside the cells of all living things. When present in sufficient numbers, they can allow their symbiont to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force.
Nerdi-chlorians, on the other hand, are intelligent microscopic life forms that live symbiotically inside the cells of nerds, geeks, and dweebs. When present in sufficient numbers, they allow their symbiont to achieve genius level knowledge in science fiction and fantasy trivia. Nerdi-chlorians also subtly alter the minds of their hosts, forcing them to play role-playing games and collect movie paraphernalia. I, of course, have a very high nerdi-chlorian count.