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Perils of the Bold

Dark Omen Dawning


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Perils of the Bold #35
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Panel #2 - For some reason, this panel looks suffused with green. Must be all that orc beefcake on display seeping into the camera.

Panel #4 - One of the jokes in this panel is the loquacity of Graklutz, and the other orcs as well. Orcs aren't known for their conversational abilities, and yet they do more talking here in one panel than the mysterious stranger has ever done!

Panel #6 - I really like this panel. It's probably my favorite panel to date. The different angle, the off-kilter perspective (emphasizing the discord between the two orcs), the unnamed orc's expression and body language, the color. It just comes off good, methinks.

And, the unnamed orc is mispronouncing 'Moathe' as 'Moad' due to his thick orcish accent. Moathe is the god of the dead. Kor is the god of hate and conflict.

Panel #8 - I debated and experimented a long time on whether or not to include a small "TWANG!" in this panel to indicate the mysterious stranger had shot the arrow here, and it strikes in the next panel. However, I could not get the "TWANG!" to look good in this panel no matter how I oriented it. So, I finally decided to leave it out. The orcs are arguing so loudly that they drowned out the noise of the bowstring.

Panel #9 - The arrow is attached to the orc's head with a small bit of Handi-Tak. Unfortunately, not a small enough bit. It still bulged out around the arrow. Therefore, I added the digitial green blood. And, once again AFC Studios proves its dedication to conservation be reusing the blood spatter digital photo element from episode 14. Here, I've reused it three times, and for each I've resized it, reoriented it, and distorted the width and length.

Hmmm. Episode 35 before someone dies on camera. Not exactly a Schwarzenegger action movie body count is it? Maybe I should get Arnie to do a cameo to pump it up a bit? ;)

No panel - Poor old Shogbag never even got his face in the episode. I know his agent is going to complain to me about that.

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Any similarity between characters on and real persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental.
The personalities, stories, fictional settings, text, and dialog in Perils of the Bold and Dark Omen Dawning are copyright © 2006 through eternity Erik Kjerland.