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Perils of the Bold

Dark Omen Dawning


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Perils of the Bold #36
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Panel #2 - Alas, Graklutz is dead. But at least Shogbag gets his face on camera this time.

Panel #3 - The stranger pegs the unnamed orc in the side of the head just as he is about to flee around the corner. You can't make out the hit too easily, so I added some blood spatter. Unfortunately, you can't make out the blood spatter too easily either. Hopefully, the "THUNK!" is enough to clue you in that the orc is toast and he then collapses around the corner. (The arrow is attached to the orc's head with unbaked Sculpey the same color as his hair.)

Panel #4 - A nice shot of the stranger here. I like the way it came out. Very clear, background wall looks good, and the corner helps locate the stranger.

Panel #5 - Getting these figures into running positions is difficult.

Panel #6 - At least in this panel and panel 8 he's got one foot up in the air.

Panel #9 - 10 bonus points to the fan who can first identify the movie I pulled this joke from.

There are seven orcs in this panel, including Graklutz's corpse. The hammer-wielding orc in the back is actually a reuse of the unnamed orc that got pegged in panel #3 - but I can't afford wages for a horde of extras, so I have to cheat. ;)

The customization process for the 7 orc Stikfas figures went okay, but resulted in 2 problems. While supergluing the sequins on one, the glue flowed down onto the neck and froze the head in place. So, that orc won't ever be turning his head (he's the one with the helmet). And, somehow, the head socket of the orc in panel #1 cracked, and is now loose. Therefore, I can't position his head in as many ways as I'd like. The other orcs came out okay, though.

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Stikfas action figures and the Stikfas logo are copyrights and trademarks of Stikfas Pte. Ltd.
Shockini action figures and the Shocker Toys logo are copyrights and trademarks of Shocker toys.
GI Joe action figures are copyrights and trademarks of Hasbro.
Their use in webcomics is not intended to infringe on the intellectual property of any company.
Any similarity between characters on and real persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental.
The personalities, stories, fictional settings, text, and dialog in Perils of the Bold and Dark Omen Dawning are copyright © 2006 through eternity Erik Kjerland.