First, I'd like to thank all the people who entered customs into the contest. I received 25 entries from 7 people!!!!! That is an amazing response and I really appreciate all the work you folks did. This will be a great help to me in my comic efforts.
Okay, here are the winners. I chose the winners based on how evocative the entry was, and how much I can use them in the comics.
Jaymon for the lumberjack! That shirt is just too cool. This guy will be an important villager the heroes meet in Perils of the Bold. PRIZE: Jaymon chose the Stikfas Tyrannosaurus and the XEVOZ Alpha Ranger.
Inu360 for the tree man! This is great Xevoz custom. I'm going to add a tree man plotline to Perils of the Bold for this guy! PRIZE: Inu360 chose the Stikfas Mobster and the XEVOZ Hyper Guardian
Aahz for the robot! This robot is made from scratch! Fully articulated and it even comes with an Ipod port. I'm trying to come up with a good plot arc for this clunky guy in Dark Omen Dawning. PRIZE: Aahz chose the Stikfas Delta Boy and the XEVOZ Thunder Shaman
Larry Greyczik for the spider creature! Larry delivers on another cool bug! This nasty bit of insectoid peril will eventually have a very important role in PotB. PRIZE: Larry gets the Stikfas Delta Boy and the XEVOZ Firedrake vs Arcaster
Yeah, there were originally only supposed to be 3 winners, but there were really just too many good entries.
Here are the prizes from which the winners can choose. Each winner, in order from First Place to Fouth Place, gets to choose 1 Xevoz and one Stikfas. I will send the winners an email with your options when it gets to your turn.
And, everyone who entered will get a little something for their efforts.
Again, thanks to all you guys who entered (Jaymon, Larry, Aahz, The Dor, Zook, Jeanna, and Inu. You've been a great help.
DCAFC 1 was such a successful contest that you can bet there will be another! Probably in a few months. So, if you missed this contest, start customizing for the next!
Get out your clay, fabric, thread, yarn, glue, dremels, knives and other customizing tools and supplies! Customize a figure and you could win a figure!
I need some help with custom action figures for Perils of the Bold and Dark Omen Dawning webcomics. Send me a customized Shockini, Cuboyd, Stikfas, Xevoz or other similar action figure and you could win a Stikfas and/or Xevoz action figure!
The exact prizes available depend on how many entries I get. The more entries I get, the better the prizes as shown on the following table. First place winner chooses first, then second place winner chooses, then third place winner chooses. The current prize level is highlighted in red.
Total Number of Customs Entered
Prizes Available (one each)
First Prize
Second Prize
Third Prize
Stikfas Delta Boy
Choose one figure
5 - 9
Stikfas Mobster Stikfas Delta Boy
Choose one figure
Choose one figure
10 - 14
XEVOZ Hyper Guardian Stikfas Mobster Stikfas Delta Boy
Choose one figure
Choose one figure
Choose one figure
15 - 19
XEVOZ Firedrake vs Arcaster XEVOZ Hyper Guardian Stikfas Mobster Stikfas Delta Boy
Choose one Xevoz and one Stikfas
Choose one figure
Choose one figure
20 - 24
XEVOZ Thunder Shaman XEVOZ Firedrake vs Arcaster XEVOZ Hyper Guardian Stikfas Mobster Stikfas Delta Boy
Choose one Xevoz and one Stikfas
Choose one Xevoz and one Stikfas
Choose one figure
25 - 29 Current entries: 25
Stikfas Tyrannosaurus XEVOZ Thunder Shaman XEVOZ Firedrake vs Arcaster XEVOZ Hyper Guardian Stikfas Mobster Stikfas Delta Boy
Choose one Xevoz and one Stikfas
Choose one Xevoz and one Stikfas
Choose one Xevoz and one Stikfas
ALL entries will get credit for their custom when it is used in the comic. If your custom ends up having an important role, it will also be on the cast page.
Who Wins
After all entries have been received, I will select the winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd prize depending on how many entries I get).
My selections are completely arbitrary and subjective. I will pick the customs that I like the most AND that I can use in my comic. So, don't send me an awesome cowboy or 1920s gangster. I can't use those. See the Ideas for Entries below for advice on what to send in.
Here are some examples of customs that are appropriate submissions. If you want to do something not on this list, email me and ask if I could use it.
PERILS OF THE BOLD Stikfas/Shockini/Cuboyd Submission Ideas (medieval fantasy setting)
fur trappers
tavern goers
town guard
serving wenches
gnolls (dog-men)
bug monsters
PERILS OF THE BOLD Xevoz Submission Ideas
Tree-men (think Treebeard from Lord of the Rings)
DARK OMEN DAWNING Stikfas/Shockini/Cuboyd Submission Ideas (science fiction setting)
bounty hunters
sexy robots
other robots
For the best chance of winning, be sure to follow these customization guidelines:
FACES. No eyes, nose or mouth on the face. Leave it blank. I add the faces digitally. (Big monsters like ogres and trolls could have noses and heavy brows, etc.)
COLORS. Try not to use too much of the color black (or other very dark colors) in the custom. Black doesn't show up too well in the pics.
ARTICULATION. Try not to restrict the articulation with customization. The less poseable the custom, the less likely it will get a substantial role in the story. At the very least, the customs should be able to turn their heads, point with their arms, and walk. If the custom can't at least kneel, sit, and raise its arms above its head, it probably won't be more than an extra.
CLOTHING. For Perils of the Bold submissions, appearance and style of dress should fit within medieval Europe culture. Nothing too exotic. Clothing for peasants should be earthy tones, greens, browns, tans, greys- not too bright. Merchants and other, wealthier types can have more colorful attire.
HAIR. In descending order of what has the best chance of impressing me: thread, textured clay, smooth clay, paint.
SKIN COLOR. For humans, flesh color. For orcs and goblins, green. For aliens, whatever.
FRAGILITY. These customs will get used, posed, moved, and so on. Do not make them too fragile that they cannot handle light use.
SIZE. Entries must be sized for about 3.25 inch tall = human size. Xevoz are too large for humans, dwarfs, elfs, hobbits, but would make good tree-men, ogres, trolls.
Entries must be received by March 31st.
All entries become the property of Erik.
I might modify your custom to fit the needs of the script.