Panel #1 - Program Managers, or PMs, manage the development of application software. They write specifications that describe the software application, maintain release schedules, and act as the leader of a project. They negotiate with development engineers to get as many features as possible into a product and dominate testers into working too much overtime. In the troika of application development (dev, test, and PM), PMs have a little bit less power than developers.
Panel #2 - The table and chairs are made by Marauder Gun Runners. They have a bunch of 1:18 scale guns and other equipment. Check them out!
Panel #3 - During the product cycle of a software application, the test team devises a list of test cases. Each test case in this list is designed to test/validate the functionality of one aspe
ct of the product. For large products, there can be many thousands of individual test cases.
Panel #4 - This Wookiee is a generic warrior action figure. I would have preferred to use a Chewbacca action figure. However, none of the five or six different Chewie figures in my collection can assume the poses required in this episode. Unfortunately, most Star Wars action figures of this scale are poorly articulated. Therefore, many character choices in Nerdi-chlorians won't be based on movie popularity. Instead, I'll use figures that are best articulated and best sculpted.
Panel #5 - For C-3PO's dismembered arm, I yanked out his arm, filled in the hole with Handi-Tak, and then pushed in some wire. Unfortunately, the arm cannot be re-attached. Luckily, I had two of these C-3PO action figures, so you haven't seen the last of him.
The floor and walls of this set are courtesy of World Works Games. They have a big list of very cool PDF products for creating your own dioramas, sets, or wargaming terrain, like this: