Panel #1 - Software design engineers (SDE, also called developers) write the code that makes the programs work. Like the SDE in this episode, many SDEs suffer from baldness due to pulling their hair out during the debugging process. SDEs, as a group, are very powerful in tech companies, and often get into entertaining arguments with program managers.
Panel #2 - The interviewee is a Givin named Elis Helrot. He enjoys cantinas and horror movies. He exhibits many of the features of an overworked SDE, including, but not limited to, profound lack of exposure to sunlight, sunken eyes and cheeks, slackjaw (usually with drool), and a bloated skull.
Unfortunately, not many Star Wars alien action figures are well articulated. Elis, here, is a relative exception. He has a AFC Articulation Rating (AFCAR) of 57%. The knees and shoulders have ball joint articulation, which made Elis a good candidate for an early role in Nerdi-chlorians. Also, Elis bears a remarkable resemblance to many programmers, so he was a shoe-in for a dev roll.
In comparison, the clone troopers here have 86% AFCAR, which is why they will have substantial roles in Nerdi-chlorians.
Meanwhile, C3PO has 21% AFCAR. This is very low (but not the worst) and makes it difficult to pose 3PO in any emotive positions. However, he's an important tool in Nerdi-chlorians, and so he'll also be appearing often.
Panel #7 - Geek knowledge of Star Wars Episdoe I A New Hope is required to fully understand the joke in this episode. In that movie, the Death Star has an Achilles' heel - the thermal exhaust port that Luke Skywalker shoots a couple of torpedoes into. Why didn't the Empire design such an important port with some kind of armor to protect it from some hayseed from a backwater planet? Well, now you know!
The floor and walls of this set are courtesy of World Works Games. They have a big list of very cool PDF products for creating your own dioramas, sets, or wargaming terrain, like this: