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Nerdi-chlorians Episode IV
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Comment on Nerdi-chlorians Episode IV


Panel #1 - Executives, of course, play a lot of greenputt (as golf is called in the Star Wars universes).

Panel #2 - That's the 2007 version of the Darth Vader figure, with a 82% articulation rating. There are many different versions of the Vader action figure out there, some with as low as an 18% AR. Fortunately, I found the 2007 version so Vader will have some better emotional poses.

Panel #3 - The candidate is the Juno Eclipse action figure from the Force Unleashed set of 2007. She has an 82% articulation rating, which makes her a prime candidate for use in Nerdi-chlorians.

Panel #6 - If anyone would be nefarious enough to use a Jedi mind trick (in this case a Sith mind trick) on an unsuspecting candidate, of course it would be Darth Vader! The guy has no scruples at all.

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The personalities, stories, fictional settings, text, and dialog in Perils of the Bold and Dark Omen Dawning are copyright © 2006 through eternity Erik Kjerland.