Panel #1 - Liberty Bell Mountain, in the Cascade Mountain Range of Washington State, makes a great Crags of Krakargund (appearing in episodes #1, #10, and #17. The image in episode #17 is the only unaltered image. The images in #1, #10, and this episode are all altered to appear more daunting, monumental, and scary (as each storyteller likes to embellish, you know).
Panel #2 - It was pretty fun setting up all the heroes in Maldonado's fantasy for this episode. I got to do things out of character. I might just do something like this again.
Panel #4 and #5 - I've used transparent wide arcs to indicate Maldonado's cartwheel and leaping movements, instead of simple lines like in episode #95 for Momo's flying. Which do you prefer?
Panel #7 - I would love to animate this attack like Trinity's leap in the opening of The Matrix. But, stop-motion work is far too tedious for me.
Question #1: What fantasy artist's work does panel #8 resemble? Get 10 Bold Points by being the first person to correctly answer this question on the Action Figure Comics forum.
bigcountry23 correctly answered the question first. It's Frank Frazetta's cover for Conan by Robert E. Howard.

Question #2: What font do I use for the title of the comic ("Perils of the Bold #99)? Get 10 Bold Points by being the first person to correctly answer this question on the Action Figure Comics forum.
mjck7 correctly answered the question. I use Ale & Wenches free font from Blambot.